Ending Social Vices; A Collaborative Effort

Delara reaches out to Veronica a fellow patient who is a victim of rape, in the Play Roots of Shame; Seeds of Pain by Women’s Empowerment Link (WEL) and Phoenix Players Limited

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) knows no boundaries when coming after its victims. Just like calamity and disease. Women, girls, boys, men, old, young, rich, poor, famous or not, educated, illiterate, privileged or marginalized, living or barely surviving, free or enslaved…

SGBV includes all forms of physical, sexual, and psychological violence. Once in its trap, initially we all are in shock, in denial, speechless even as we absorb what just happened but it is what we do next that determines how we overcome. Above all, we need someone to believe us and in us, fight for us and walk with us as we heal and as week seek justice.

It is vital that we all speak up against SGBV. let us take back our voice and not submit to fear. Help a friend and a neighbor out. Remember it affects us all, it happens not to strangers, it has happened to our mothers, sisters, aunties, grandmothers, nieces, daughters, friends, neighbors, colleagues, even to our male relatives and friends.

Ring the bell or knock the door at your neighbors house, get help from the police or call the toll free helplines like 1195 or text 20351 (in Kenya) and seek advise on how to go about an intervention or get external help but don’t just sit by and think its none of my business. It is very much our business, each of us.

We are each others keeper, we have and to and we must look out for each others’ well being. It takes you and me to make this society safe for men and women, girls and boys to live in harmony and flourish.

#WEL lets be counted in ending all forms of violence against women and girls.

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